XBLAH's Modding Tool | How to create an animated title for a Half-Life Mod

How to create an animated title for a Half-Life Mod

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GoldSrc GoldSrc
Note:This tutorial was written for XBLAH's Modding Tool XBLAH's Modding Tool v2.5.1. Please be aware that subsequent updates might have introduced alterations in terminologies, introduced novel features, or reorganized certain elements within the interface.

Since the Half-Life Half-Life 25th Aniversary Update, the engine uses TGA files to generate an animated title if liblist.gam has animated_title "1". The tile files are located under resource/.

Animated titles for the main menu of GoldSrc GoldSrc mods can be created with the XBLAH's Modding Tool XBLAH's Modding Tool using an intuitive interface, that creates all the required files and directories.

Accessing the feature

This can be accessed within the tool via Modding > Main Menu > Title.

Setting up the animated title

Enabling the animated title

To enable the animated title in the mod, set the Animated Title switch to On.

Creating the animated title

To create a new animated title for your GoldSrc GoldSrc mod, click on Generate from text. Insert the title you want to use.

Note:The ` character will produce a lowercase lambda, meanwhile the ' character will produce an uppercase lambda.

Finishing up

Once everything is set up, click Top Menu > File > Save Title and you will have a fully working animated title.