XBLAH's Modding Tool | How to create an customized title for a Half-Life 2 Mod

How to create an customized title for a Half-Life 2 Mod

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Note:This tutorial was written for XBLAH's Modding Tool XBLAH's Modding Tool v2.5.2. Please be aware that subsequent updates might have introduced alterations in terminologies, introduced novel features, or reorganized certain elements within the interface.

A custom mod title for the main menu of Source Source mods can be created with the XBLAH's Modding Tool XBLAH's Modding Tool using an intuitive interface, that creates all the required files and directories.

Accessing the feature

This can be accessed within the tool via Modding > Main Menu > Title.

Setting up the title

Setting the title text

Source mods allows you to set a primary and secondary title.

 Example: In Half-Life 2 episodes, the Half-Life is the primary title, and Episode One and Episode Two are the secondary titles.
 Example: In Counter-Strike: Source, Counter-Strike is the title and Source is the secondary title.

The primary and secondary title strings can be set in the Text field of the Title and Title 2 groups, respectively.

Note:This title is restricted to the Main Menu. The actual mod title, that is shown in the Window's Title and in the Steam Library is the one set in the gameinfo.txt.

Changing the title position

The title position in the screen can be set using the X Field to set the horizontal position, with a value between 0 and 640. The vertical position can be set through the Y Field, with a value between 0 and 480.

Note:In case the resolution is set to a value greater than 640x480, the position will be interpolated to keep the proportion.

Changing the title color

The title color can be set using the Color field.

Changing the font

The font family, font size, weight and blur can be changed in the Font group. The title font size is set to a 640x480 resolution.

Warning:The font settings will be applied to both titles. There is no way to have different font settings between them.
Note:In case the resolution is set to a value greater than 640x480, the font size will be interpolated to keep the proportion.

Finishing up

Once everything is set up, click Top Menu > File > Save Title and you will have a fully working customized title.